The company said it would pay in full all its creditors. 该公司称将偿清所有债权人的债务。
According to the public document, woods is required to pay off the mortgage in full by January of 2016, giving him a mere five and a half years to shed the debt. 据公开资料显示,伍兹必须在2016年1月份以前还完这笔贷款,也就是说伍兹现在只剩下五年半的时间来偿还债务了。
But, you have to pay me in full for the whole run as soon as you take delivery of the first of four shipments. 但你必须在收到第一季的货后,尽快把全额货款付清,总共会有四次出货。
If a person is not able to pay the fine in full, the People's Court shall demand the payment whenever it finds the person has property for execution of the fine. 对于不能全部缴纳罚金的,人民法院在任何时候发现被执行人有可以执行的财产,应当随时追缴。
While some don't always pay off their debt in full each month, nearly all don't let debt accumulate for long. 有一些几乎在每一个月都有欠账,但是几乎所有的管理员都不会让帐拖的太久。
The city used that estimate as part of a deal to try to pay some creditors in full and pay others much less than they are owed in an effort to restructure$ 18 billion of long-term obligations. 该市以这一估算结果作为交易的一部分,试图全额清偿部分债权人并向其他债权人清偿远低于实际欠款的资金,以实现对180亿美元长期负债的重组。
Can I keep the apartment if I pay my rent in full? 如果我全额交房租能继续住下吗?
Worse, if Argentina is forced to pay holdouts in full, the price will be borne by Argentines. 更糟糕的是,如果阿根廷被迫向不合作的债权人全额偿债,那么其代价将由阿根廷民众来承担。
Did you pay for your house on your own in full? Of course, the premise is you bought a house. 你全额出资为自己买房子吗?
For those who want to pay in full, they can also borrow against their policy and invest in higher-yielding products. Banks are willing to lend cheaply against insurance policies, which have cash value and are more liquid than properties. 那些全款买保险的人,也可以把保单做抵押,再借出钱来,买一些高息产品。银行一般比较乐意接受保单为抵押品,因为它们有现金价值,比房产等流动性强。
It had insisted until the middle of last year that local governments must pay back their loans in full and on time. 直到去年年中,该监管机构还一直坚称,地方政府必须按时全额偿还贷款。
Therefore it seems that the investors shall pay the income tax in full amount without deduction. 所以,投资者似乎应当全额缴纳所得税,没有减免。
When did you first become aware that you had insufficient assets to pay your debts in full and stop payment? 你在什么时候最先察觉没有足够资产偿还所有债务并停止付款?
Borrowers who do not pay their credit card debt in full each month have to pay interest on whatever balance remains. 没有能力偿还信用卡债务的持卡人不得不每个月承担全部超支金额的利息。
If you don't pay the bill in full within three days, we'll be forced to cancel your service. 若您在三天内没有缴清,我们将限制您不能拨打电话。
Pay credit cards on time and in full every month. 每月按时、全额交付信用卡。
The only way to eliminate your mortgage is to pay it off in full. 唯一的方法,以消除您的房贷是付清全部款项。
The payment method is: When dealer ordering must pay40% deposits ( 20% for earnest money), the spare money in receive in ten thousand prosperous advice of arrival latter five days to pay in full. 付款方式为:经销商订货时须付40%订金,余款于收到万昌到货通知后五天内付清。
The judge stated the actor is not entitled to any deductions and must pay the child support owed, in full, immediately. 法官宣布,梅尔-吉普森不享受任何的免除权,必须立即全额的支付所拖欠的抚养费。
If you want to save a little more money, you could pay in full now. 如果你想多省一点钱,您可以现在全额付清。
Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association. If again unemployed, but add does an individual freewill pay cost, fixed number of year of around pay expenses is amalgamative computation. 股东应当足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。若再次失业,可续办个人自愿缴费,前后缴费年限合并计算。
Lots of people pay off their credit cards in full each month to avoid finance charges. 许多人每月全额还清所有信用卡(的欠款),以避免收费。但是。
If you must take credit card debt please ensure that you pay it in full within the stipulated time to avoid debt accumulation and other penalties such as late payment. 如果你必须承担信用卡债务,那么请确保在规定的时间内全部还清,避免债务的累积和如逾期付款之类的处罚。
It leaves Argentina facing an appeal court order to pay the holdouts in full before it can make payments to other bondholders, whose next instalment is due on June 30. 这使阿根廷面临一项上诉庭命令:先全额偿还坚持派,之后才能偿还其他债券持有人,对后者的下一笔分期付款将在6月30日作出。
If a funds manager fails to pay the cash dividends in full before the specified time point, the CompanyCompany will postpone the allotmentdistribution of the cash dividends. 基金管理人未能在规定时点前足额划付现金红利的,本公司将推迟现金红利的派发。
Fails to pay a Employee his labor compensation in full and on time as stipulated in his employment contract or prescribed by the state; 未按照劳动合同的约定或者国家规定及时足额支付劳动者劳动报酬的;
Jingzhou to return to the way from Chengdu, Cao Cao is not to play little tricks, pay the money in full, the full increase in oil. 从荆州返回成都途中,曹操不敢再耍一点小动作,钱交得足足的,油加得满满的。
Germany knows that the debtors cannot pay in full but before it agrees to a writedown, it is determined to extract guarantees that history will not repeat itself. 德国知道,债务人不可能全额还债,但在同意减记之前,它决心迫使各方保证历史将不会重演。
Moreover, the contractor has not corresponding right of making balance to which the law endowment, the man can still acquire this construction project forthwith even though the other party default and might fail to pay in full for the project after completing. 其次,工程竣工后,即使发包方违约未付清工程款,却仍可即使取得该建设工程,而法律没有赋予合同相对人即承包人相应的制衡权利。